ICT | infosec | material-science | robotics | next-gen-manufacturing | sustainability | e-healthcare

                                                      Arnhem | the Netherlands | Central Europe
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The ultimate Hackerspace; From Panopticon-prison to Hackervillage-Castle-compound
The Hack42 hackerspace has had some unusual buildings to call its home.
But in the game of Hacker-spaces there is always a next-level to be achieved.
They are now looking to take over a former Panopticon-prison-dome compound with 17.000 sq meters of office space inside a walled compound near the center of Arnhem. The center-piece is a domed building almost big enough to hold a Space Shuttle.

They want this to be a permanent venue not unlike the Dutch, German or English hacker-camps (WTH HAL OHM SHA CCC EMF) where all things hacker-space can be done, but on a European scale. Hackers can stay for a few weeks or months to do projects, students can do graduation projects under the wings of academic leadership and starts-ups can find their feet among a network of like-minded people. There will be bandwidth comparable to Universities and cheap electricity, that they hope to make themselves as much as possible.

They welcome ideas for making this hacker-space a place for hackers all over the world. With your help they'll turn a panopticon-prison into a panopticon-fighting community and have a lot of fun doing it.

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