Uit Hack42
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Regel 1: Regel 1:
module tooth2(base, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
|[[Bestand:Ratchet.png|thumb|left|An example of ratchet(10,6,3,5,7,1)]]
module tooth(base, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
difference() {
difference() {
intersection() {
intersection() {
Regel 17: Regel 20:
module ratchet(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
module ratchet(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
//moves teeth down by this distance
//moves teeth down by this distance
down = diam - diam * cos(180/nrteeth);
down = 0.01 + (diam - diam * cos(180/nrteeth));
//make sure tooth's height is not lower than down movement
//make sure tooth's height is not lower than down movement
/* if (height <= down) {
if (height <= down) {
nheight = down + 0.01;
ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, down, tipl, tiph, width, down);
} else {
} else {
nheight = height;
ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width, down);
module ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width, down) {
// calculate tooth's base
// calculate tooth's base
base = 2 * sin(180/nrteeth) * diam;
base = 2 * sin(180/nrteeth) * diam;
union() {
union() {
Regel 34: Regel 37:
for ( i = [0 : (nrteeth-1)] ) {
for ( i = [0 : (nrteeth-1)] ) {
rotate( i * 360 / nrteeth, [0, 0, 1])
rotate( i * 360 / nrteeth, [0, 0, 1])
translate([-(0.25*base), (diam-down), 0])
translate([-(0.25*base), (diam-2*down), 0]) // check the .25
tooth2(base, height, tipl, tiph, width); //height should become nheight
tooth(base, height, tipl, tiph, width);

Versie van 8 sep 2011 22:30


An example of ratchet(10,6,3,5,7,1)
module tooth(base, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
	difference() {
		intersection() {
			translate([-(base+tipl)/2,0,0]) cube([base+tipl,height,width], center = false);
			scale(v=[1,(height/(base+tipl))*2,0]) cylinder(r=(base+tipl)/2,h=width, $fs=0.01);
		  polyhedron(	points = [ [0,0,0],[0,0,width],[0,tiph,0],[0,tiph,width],[tipl,0,0],[tipl,0,width] ],
					triangles = [ [1,3,5],[0,4,2],[0,2,1],[2,3,1],[0,1,4],[4,1,5],[2,4,5],[2,5,3] ]);


module ratchet(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width) {
	//moves teeth down by this distance
	down = 0.01 + (diam - diam * cos(180/nrteeth));
	//make sure tooth's height is not lower than down movement
	if (height <= down) {
		ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, down, tipl, tiph, width, down);
	} else {
		ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width, down);

module ratchet2(diam, nrteeth, height, tipl, tiph, width, down) {
	// calculate tooth's base
	base = 2 * sin(180/nrteeth) * diam;
	union() {
		for ( i = [0 : (nrteeth-1)] ) {
			rotate( i * 360 / nrteeth, [0, 0, 1])
			translate([-(0.25*base), (diam-2*down), 0]) // check the .25
			tooth(base, height, tipl, tiph, width);
