Outdoor hacker conference: Haxogreen 2012 | |
Naam | Haxogreen 2012 |
Locatie | Dudelange, Luxemburg |
Ruimte | Big Blue Room |
Datum | juli 26, 2012 13:37:00 - juli 29, 2012 13:37:00 |
Contact | Stitch |
Info | HaxoGreen 2012 SummerCamp, from July 26-29 2012, in Dudelange, Luxembourg, Europe |
Voorzitter | Syn2Cat, Hackerspace Luxembourg |
Still cosy at a maximum of 140 people, still at the same perfect setting that offers commodities for shopping, outdoors for camping and areas filled to the brink with adventure and history at the same time. The camp will take place from Thursday, July 26th till Sunday, July 29th and be bristling with geeks and their innovative ideas.
Talks, workshops, live music in the evenings, geocaching, fresh food and most of all very interesting people make this an event that is not to be missed.
Whether you're hacking on your project, looking for new and exciting ideas or just craving to share 3 midsummer nights outdoors, socialising with other hackers, artists and geeks, HaxoGreen is the place to be. No need to be a 1337 H4X0r, we welcome all inquisitive people from around the globe.
The camp is located at the scouts' grounds near the city of Dudelange in the southern region of Luxembourg. The camping ground features adequate restrooms and shower facilities. Indoor rooms for lectures and workshops are also available. The nearby town of Dudelange, near the borders to France and Germany, offers access to shops and markets for all of your grocery needs.
- Stitch - Hangt af van de detailplanning. Lijkt me gaaf om eens te zien!
Jos Jos
Wie?: Grote Vriend
Projecten: Key to Bits to Key, Makerspaces Contest
Klik voor meer info... (lijkt me erg leuk, maar dan zit ik nog in Vegas (defcon))