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Meetup: Nix Meetup Software Freedom Day
Naam Nix Meetup Software Freedom Day
Locatie Hack42
Datum 2024/09/21 20:00:00 - 2024/09/21 23:30:00
Contact Raboof
Info Nix meetup op Software Freedom Day
Nix-meetup.png File:Nix-meetup.png

Nix meetup for all backgrounds, from seasoned nixpkgs maintainers to Nix-curious first-timers.

21th of September is also Software Freedom Day. We're planning 2 short talks and plenty of room for learning, teaching, hacking and generally hanging out.

  • 19:30 Doors open
  • 20:00 Arnout: Why Nix is Great if you care about Software Freedom
  • 20:15 Adrielus: Developing a Declarative configuration system for neovim
  • 20:30 Learning, teaching, hacking and sharing

Registration is optional, but feel free to add you to the list below:

Ik kom wel

Getting there

Public transport to the space is pretty good, but drop Raboof Picture.jpg Raboof Raboof

Wie?: niet opgegeven

Projecten: L42, PixSkillFlut

Madskills: geen opgegeven

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a note if you want to be picked up from the train station.