Uit Hack42
Project: MCH (Branded) Things Collection | |
Naam | MCH (Branded) Things Collection |
Door | Stitch |
Status | Uitvoer |
Madskillz | Collecting, Hoarding |
Doel / Omschrijving | |
All things MCH collected and displayed | |
Alle Projecten - Project Toevoegen |
Fout bij het aanmaken van de miniatuurafbeelding: convert: unable to extend cache '/home/deckardt/websites/hack42.nl/mediawiki-1.35.5/images/9/98/MCH_Branded_Things_Collection_Picture.jpg': File too large @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3901. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_f4634d06fb18.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3322. Error code: 1
May Contain Hackers was een hacker camp in Nederland. Veel deelnemers van hackerspaces, waaronder die van Hack42, hebben hieraan meegewerkt op cruciale onderdelen. Er is veel spul gemaakt voor het evenement, wat veel goede herinneringen kan oproepen in de toekomst. Daarom wordt het verzameld in de MCH Swag Kast.
What's in the collection
- From speakerdesk/content
- Speaker sticker (gold hexagon)
- May Contain Notes paper
- A4 paper with phone numbers for artists and speakers
- From heaven
- 2 colors of angel shirts: gray and purple
- 7 different food cards
- Waterbottle without logo
- Take care during heat laminated paper
- From Tickets/Entrance
- 2x Guest card (upside down and normal)
- 2x Speaker card
- 2x Suspect card
- 2x Press card
- Camper ticket
- All access ticket
- Special spot ticket
- 8x (all) colors wristbands
- Allowed to move parking ticket
- Special Stationary Vehicle ticket (for vehicles on the terrain)
- Payment human-error booklet
- Wristband-meaning guide A4 laminated
- Laminated house rules
- Laminated code of conduct
- Laminated terms & conditions
- ID check <25 years laminated paper
- Ticket desk a3 laminated paper
- Cash desk a3 laminated paper
- From Shuttles
- 2 different shuttle ticket cards (different qr codes)
- From Parking
- Golden VIP Parking ticket (very inefficient parking)
- Parking ticket
- I'd like to pay ticket
- Parking patch
- Temporary parking ticket
- Reserved spot ticket (unused)
- Orga parking ticket (unused)
- From Merchendise
- 3 sizes heatpress-stickers
- bag with applied heatpress sticker
- Eigenlabel promo flyer
- Hoodie
- Merch: Shirt
- Merch: Basebal cap
- From Safety
- 5 colors/types high-viz vests
- Unknown origin:
- MCH stamp
- Yellow MCH Patch
- Pink MCH Patch
- Print of two other stamps (heaven, info and ???)
- Village begbounties
- rick astley decoding challenge
- From info
- Booklet
- From Promo
- may contain hackers sticker 2021
- may contain hackers sticker 2022
- square sticker small
- square sticker large
- promo package
- promo envelope
- MCH Business card
- MCH Flyer Version 1 (with the dates)
- Evilgenious letter A4 version
- From Badge
- Complete badge in bag
- Circular MCH badge stickers
- From Team:POC
- 3 POC wristbands (priority, economy etc)
- From Sponsoring
- 3x sponsor patches
- Waterbottle with True logo
- Team:Waste
- Waste Patch
- Team:CTF
- 7 custom cut stickers with CTF, Angel etc
- Team:Finance
- Payment system card
- Payment system QR code
- Bonus: payment system card with fake balance print
- This machine is old a4 laminated paper
- Team:Bar
- Bar apron
- Beer coaster
- 5x glas: 0.5l 0.25l, wijnglas, 2 koffieglazen
- Bar Coin
- Polycoin project
- 3 polycoin MCH badges (zijn er in onbeperkt aantal mutaties)
- Hack the health project
- hack the health sticker met lama
- Hack the health sticker with MCH design
- Deco
- Long flag (4m)
- Large flag (1.5m)
- Small flag (0.7m)
- Project Salzamt
- Beschwerdeformular
- Sponsor:Computest
- computest MCH design shirt
- Chaospost
- 5x new card designs
- including the "may contain mail" card from chaospost
- Checkbox-template letter content sticker
- Post to bornhack a4 laminated paper
- Chief Trolling Officer
- Kryptos license plate
- Yellow license plate
- CD 13 37 license plate
- Family Zone
- Find Splinter Challenge laminated paper (3 types)
- Team:ROC
- Radio Channels A4 laminated paper
- Team:Projectleiding
- Projectleiding office laminated paper
- HQ laminated paper
- Meeting in progress paper
- Team:NOC
- How to use WIFI instruction paper
Things that are large and that don't fit inside the cabinet
- Deco: Silent lounge bordje
- Deco: Hydration kanaalplaat
- Deco: angel kanaalplaat
- Deco: 2x: dichromatische lamp: roze en geel
- Bar: bar bannier
- Terrain: grote terreinkaart
- Deco: draag maskers banbier
- Deco: klein hollywood sign met zilver
- Deco: Crystal lamp
Things that will not be collected
- Bouwhekbanner: 80's design, terreinkaart, productiehuis, etc...
- Other variations of polycoin tags, there are infinite permutations
What's missing
- Geraffel MCH t-shirt
- Trans IP MCH t-shirt
- Deco: Gate Panel
- Deco: TBE Light
- Merch: Safari Hat
- Village:Milliways: challenge coin silver
- Village:Milliways: challenge coin gold
- Village:80'sparty: village 80's party sticker
- NOC: Datenklo instructions laminated a3 paper
- A1 Yellow poster
- A2 yellow poster
- A2 Flag design poster