Uit Hack42
< Gebruiker:Stoneshop(Doorverwezen vanaf Space in spaaaaaace)
Project: Space in Spaaaaaace | |
Naam | Space in Spaaaaaace |
Door | Stoneshop |
Status | Planning |
Madskillz | Money, up to a lot of money and brains. |
Doel / Omschrijving | |
Het sponsoren van PocketSpacecraft | |
Alle Projecten - Project Toevoegen |
Een ietwat ongewoon Hack42-projekt: het steunen van een Kickstarter-projekt om een Pocket Spacecraft te lanceren. De steun is financieel; supporters krijgen toegang tot de telemetriegegevens van "hun" ruimtevaartuigje, en vanaf UKP39 (EUR45) krijgt een supporter een logo op een van de ruimtevaartuigjes. Dit lijkt me een realistisch bedrag om het projekt mee te willen steunen, deels gezamelijk (als Hack42), deels individueel.
We zijn er in gestapt voor een Lunar Scout Special Edition
De meest relevante sponsor-nivo's zijn:
Virtual Scout - Pledge £1+ Support the mission at this level or above you'll receive: - an e-certificate of participation - early access to mission control applications - the serialised e-book 'StarSailing' - three month free special membership o the British Interplanetary Society
Model Scout - £9+ Virtual Scout rewards plus: - instructions for building detailed paper models of the Interplanetary CubeSat Mothership, Thin-Film Scout, launch vehicle and ground stations - your name launched into space on the Interplanetary CubeSat Mothership - the serialised Mission Manual e-book
Crowd Scout - £19+ Model Scout rewards plus: - access to the online Scout designer - your profile picture/avatar from your KickStarter account (default), favourite social networking site or game printed on a shared Earth Scout (with up to 50 others) that will fly in space and attempt to return to Earth
Team Scout - £39+ Model Scout rewards plus: - access to the online Scout designer - a pennant that you design printed on a Lunar Scout (with up to 20 others) that will fly in space and be sent to the Moon
Replica Crowd Scout - £49+ Shared Crowd Scout rewards plus: - a replica Thin-Film Scout in a protective sleeve
Replica Shared Team Scout - £69+ Shared Team Scout rewards plus: - a replica Thin-Film Scout in a protective sleeve
Earth Scout - £99+ Model Scout rewards plus: - your own Scout spacecraft that will be photographed as it is launched into space and attempts to land on Earth from orbit - access to the online Scout designer - most of surface available for printing - custom message transmitted (<140 characters) - a replica Thin-Film Scout in a protective sleeve
Lunar Scout - £199+ Earth Scout rewards plus: - a second Thin-Film Spacecraft that will be photographed when it is launched into space to attempt to land on the Moon
Lunar Scout Special Edition - £299+ Lunar Scout rewards plus: - limited edition Mission Manual printed on acid free paper to treasure and pass on to future generations
Software Development Lunar Scout - £399+ Lunar Scout rewards plus: - load your Scouts with your own custom software - access the online Scout integrated development environment, simulator and virtual solar system
Software Development Lunar Scout Education Edition - £499+ Software Development Lunar Scout rewards plus: - up to 50 additional usernames to access your online Scout designer, Scout simulator and virtual solar system - choose whether users customise whole Scout, pennants or pictures - downloadable lesson plans and worksheets
Hardware Development Lunar Scout - £799+ Software Development Lunar Scout rewards plus: - 100 credits* to apply to custom hardware - enhanced online Scout designer for placing conductors, resistors and dies (*range of hardware/credits will depend on total funds raised)
Voor verdere info zie: Send your own Pocket Spacecraft on a Mission to the Moon!