Uit Hack42
"Has processing error text (Processing error message)" is a predefined property containing a textual description of an error and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. Deze eigenschap is van te voren gedefinieerd (ook bekend als een speciale eigenschap) en komt met extra beheersprivileges, maar kan worden gebruikt net als elk andere door de gebruiker gedefinieerde eigenschap.
Unable to interpret the "augustus 26, 2016 24:00:00" input value as valid date or time component with "Part of the date is out of bounds." being reported.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Het deel "|Activiteit" van de zoekopdracht is niet begrepen.
De resultaten kunnen afwijken van de verwachting.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Property "Event Picture" (as page type) with input value "File:{{{Picture}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.
Category "Project" contains an invalid redirect target to a non-category namespace.